Zasada ruchu lewostronnego obowiązuje dziś w mniejszości krajów świata: w Wielkiej Brytanii oraz w krajach niegdyś od Wielkiej Brytanii zależnych lub będących jej byłymi koloniami, w tym – w Europie – w Irlandii, na Cyprze i Malcie, a także w Australii, Nowej Zelandii, Indiach, Pakistanie, Sri Lance, Bangladeszu, Papui-Nowej Gwinei, Brunei, Hongkongu, RPA i innych postbrytyjskich koloniach Afryki (Lesotho, Botswanie, Kenii, Tanzanii, Ugandzie, Zambii, Zimbabwe), jak również w Japonii, Indonezji, Tajlandii, Makau, na Malediwach, Mauritiusie, Jamajce, Dominice, w Gujanie i Surinamie.
Mnie nie interesują w tym momencie ich problemy polityczne i gospodarcze. Chcę tylko zobaczyć, jak wygląda droga w miejscu, gdzie następuje zmiana ruchu. 😉
Z tego co widzę w Hong Kongu taki ruch obowiązuje, nie uwierzę, że to miasto nie jest połączone z resztą świata niezłymi drogami.
Abre -
Za wiki: "Several countries in Africa, Asia and South America have land borders where drivers must change to the other side of the road.
Where neighbouring countries drive on opposite sides of the road, drivers from one to the other must change sides when crossing the border. Thailand is particularly notable in this context. Thailand drives on the left; since Myanmar (Burma) changed from left to right in 1970, 90% of Thailand's borders are with countries that drive on the right (only Malaysia drives on the left). Thailand is the only sizable country with this problem.
Other notable borders where a changeover is necessary are between Afghanistan and Pakistan, between Laos and Thailand, and between Sudan and Uganda.
When borders consist of natural barriers, such as mountains or rivers, the number of border crossings is reduced. This is particularly true of borders where traffic changes sides of the road, especially in Asia. Furthermore, given their remoteness, most mountain border crossings have relatively low traffic volumes and so changing sides of the road is less of a problem.
The four most common ways of switching traffic from one side to the other at borders are
Traffic lights. Examples include
Friendship Bridge between Thailand and Laos, change takes place on Lao side
Second Thai–Lao Friendship Bridge, between Thailand and Laos, change takes place on Thai side
Friendship Bridge between Thailand and Myanmar—photo
New bridge between Thailand and Myanmar near Mae Sai (opened in 2006)
Crossover bridges. Examples include
Lok Ma Chau between Hong Kong and mainland China—Google Maps
Lotus Bridge between Macau and mainland China—Google Maps
Takutu Bridge between Guyana and Brazil—photo photo
Border roads intersect with roundabouts or other one-way traffic systems. Examples include
Man Kam To between Hong Kong and mainland China—Google Maps
Portas do Cerco between Macau and mainland China—Google Maps
The Eurotunnel Shuttle service of the Channel Tunnel between the United Kingdom and France—Google Maps and Google Maps
No automatic infrastructure (signposts and directions only), most commonly found at borders with low traffic volumes. Examples include
Poipet between Thailand and Cambodia
Old bridge between Thailand and Myanmar
Khunjerab Pass between Pakistan and China
Friendship Bridge between China and Nepal "
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